Soul Qs Quarterly Journal

A lush printed Quarterly Journal and digital experience that walks you through an intensive 3 month exploration of soul unfurling paths.

For women who are Dream Sifters, Self Inquirers, Pirate Renegades of the Soul and Deep Diving Hearts.



Journal writing is a soul path all it’s own.  I know that those of you out there who write know exactly what I speak of.  Journal writing and Self Inquiry have the power to alter your course and deepen your soul and life experience in a manner few other modalities can.

The deeper within we go for the answers, the wider our horizons become in our awareness of the reality in which we live.  

This quarterly publication is aimed at more than just providing seasonal soul teachings. This is a three month journal, filled with themed daily questions, specifically designed to wind you deeper along the spiral towards the core of your soul. A journal filled with daily original art that facilitates your soul opening so you may write down the bones of your makings.  This is a Book you write in, keep, and come back to over and over again to mark the way you grow and shift and explore your deepening spiritual path.  Each quarterly contains:

  • 210 full color pages
  • Lush original art
  • 3 months worth of questions to unravel the truth of your sensuality
  • Dated Qs that guide you through an entire Season of deep soul exploration

Return to learning and shaping the paths of your soul.


Buy your copy TODAY so you have it in hand by June 21st, 2014. 


Sensuality.  Your Own  Summer 2014


Sensuality.  It’s a charged topic, misunderstood, at times awkward and often relegated to some far off corner of our consciousness. Typically it’s not at all owned, worn fully or practiced.  Or, seemingly, on the other end of the spectrum, sensuality is objectified and sexualized in that surface manner used in the media.

At its core, however,  our sensuality is our capacity to receive from the world around us.  It’s the extent to which we are present, are in communion, and experience all of what is truly happening around us at any given time.  Sensuality exists beyond what our popular culture considers sex.  If sex is union as the mystics teach, then our sensuality is the union we engage in with everything we are exposed to.

Beginning on the first day of Summer, June 21, 2014, and going all the way through til September 20, 2014, we will explore our deeper understanding of what sensuality is, how sensual we ourselves are at this point in our lives, why it is so and how it affects our state of being in the world as women.