When did you first realize you were meant for More? What is it you are meant for?

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  1. I first knew this when I perceived that a cornucopia of gifts–material, spiritual and of understanding–seemed to drift my way without my having to summon them. This is not to say that I don’t get continually tripped up by life, for indeed I do. But I have felt like there exists somewhere in the ether a conduit that makes my life not just livable, but bountiful. “More” to me means depth of understanding, and not feeling deficient in knowing what another human being means when he or she talks to me in a deep way–I always get it, can drop into that space and communicate back fully and confidently and compassionately–it feels like a great gift, for my facility of understanding does not get hampered by my ego-needs, and if my ego does try to slide in there, I recognize it immediately and re-approach from a variant frame of reference…I don’t mean this to be an inflating description of myself; I’m simply answering the question. I DO recognize that there’s something going on behind the physical veil of my life, that it’s been nudging me for most of my life, that certain arenas of life, that I often witness in others as presenting difficulty, have come easily to me, again, without significant striving…whether this is karmic or in some other way a gift from providence, I don’t even try to guess, I live in a lot of physical pain, so it’s not like everything’s perfect in the conventional sense, and I have deep periods of sadness and grief, but I view these things as seeds to bring me…more. I have artistic talents in three areas of art…that’s SO more. I realize I’m able to communicate deep feeling through art, music and writing, and I feel a universal response when I present these arts.

    I honestly can’t express what I’m “meant for”. I recognize that I very often have a profound effect on others…my empathy for others, coupled with my insight into myself, makes me consider sometimes that I’m “meant” to help others understand that they’re appreciated and understood. I care about people because I’ve been given the gift of compassion, that I always question the circumstances that creates a person…I don’t condemn others–and you’ll just have to take my word for this–I know that what I’m saying might be interpreted as me trumpeting how virtuous I am and oh-so-spiritual, but I assure you that’s not the case. I think if we’re inclined to answer these complex questions, we may come prepared to strip away false modesty and simply relate our own relation to the universe, that it generally feels safe, that it beckons in ineffable and subtle ways, that we’re meant to help others, and that some of us are more able to do this…and for this knowledge, I am endlessly mystified and grateful…

    • My dear Pedro… I’ve been sitting with your answer for some time and still I’m so moved, it’s hard to find words. I have been the recipient of your deep gaze, your seeing, and the way you hold space for another’s unfolding. It is one of the easiest entry ways from which to love you. I know that from the moment I met you, it was a blessing and not simply in that way that we all feel when we meet someone we come to love. Touched. My soul was touched by your softness, your depth and yes, this ever pervasive compassion that influences how you interact with others, with me. Thank you for this nakedness, this truth and for you. I do believe that the presence you bring to each interaction is what you are meant for.

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