
The heart of Soul Qs at SoulQs.com

This site is for the Dream Sifters, the Self Inquirers, the Pirate Renegades of the Soul, the Deep Diving Hearts that take the endless journey in order to know, feel, understand and attend to the sacred truth of their Being.

Here you’ll find a place to take the Inquiry deeper, share the findings of your soul excavations, and inhale the shared wisdom that comes from the sacred truth seeking community that gathers here.

Each day a new question is posted.  Come in a moment of silence, use it as a prompt, write down the stirrings of your soul.  Allow it to give you a moment in your day to move within, ask the Soul Q and see what wisdom desires to be pulled forth.  Share it here in the comments section, delve into the heart murmurings of others.. allow this to be your practice space of Self Inquiry.

Live in the questions… all answers are free to change as you evolve… but they always reveal.

Elena Rego of FoodPractice.com & SoulQs.comElena Rego

Writer, Artist, Photographer, Foodie, Soulful Bohemian Traveler, Jewelry Designer, Moon Chaser, Woman.

My writing and photographic work is deeply informed by my passion for Women’s Spirituality and Feminist Theory.  My work is my art and it is all an exploration of the importance of engaging the spirit through making the mundane sacred, and returning to the celebration of the rites of passages that mark our human lives.

Aside from the Soul Qs project you can find my work at FoodPractice.com