What is the secret pulse that drives you?

The Qs at www.SoulQs.com


  1. I love your weekly questions, they really make me think.
    The secret pulse that drives me would have to be my determination to prove everyone wrong. (I hope this isn’t too negative lol) I just feel like there are many people around me who are waiting for me to fail, and I can’t allow that to happen. So I keep pushing and it pays off immensely.

    • Krystal!

      There is nothing too negative here… just our heart and soul truth at the time of answering. More than anything, coming here is about cracking open, self facing and honoring exactly who we are. Our honesty sets us free. Thank you for sharing here. It opens the path for all of us.

  2. My secret pulse that drives me would be achievement and acceptance. I’ve always wanted to be accepted by those around me and I felt that achievement would be the perfect way to do that.

    Well, that was deep.

  3. My secret pulse? This question made me pause because I have so many. Ultimately it’s my quest for the best health and peace of mind that can be achieved. It used to be to attain perfect health. Over the years I realized that it was more of a state of mind no matter what my external circumstance gave me. We will always be going through something and how we ‘feel’ about it is more important than anything else to me now. The cool thing is, that the better we ‘feel’ moment by moment- the less the negative things hit us. It all all comes back around to Law of Attraction. I love it!

  4. Love the image…the secret pulse that drives me is quiet reflection, just like the image. I’m a surfer girl and ocean lover and whenever I’m out in the water, it connects me to my inner strength. The waves and salt water are like pulses to me…

  5. What a great site! I am bookmarking and coming back for these weekly thought provoking questions:) Hmnn…my secret pulse would be to shift the way people think, hold, and process grief and loss. To make it the center of a dinner conversation. As a grief coach, I am interested neutralizing the “negative” POV on grief.

  6. beautiful.
    Mine is to live a life full of joy and light. When I have them, I know I’m on my right path.

  7. My secret pulse is about getting to the Heart of the Matter. Understanding on a deep level who you are and what is holding you back. Learning to overcome those self-imposed limitations and connecting to your core truth so that you can create your best life from that place.

    Great question – thank you!

  8. Wow, so simple but what a profound question! The secret pulse that drives me is FREEDOM. It’s the essence of my being, motivates personal development, my business, my relationships, everything.

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