How do you honor the truth of your pain?

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  1. Xanax? :/

    Tears. Talking. Processing. Reflecting. If anything I think I dwell too heavily and hard within pain, and guilt. It’s driven my at times to react too far in situations. It has to be a balance. So maybe for me the better question is how to balance dealing with the pain of letting myself down, as it always is that – I always seem to internalize pain, to see what my mistakes were rather than dwell on what someone else has done moreso. It’s lead to me lashing out against myself far too many times.

    So I suppose this all ties in with compassion. Learning to have compassion for myself as well. As much as I’m espousing having compassion for all others, trying to have that very same topic for myself. I think it takes a lot of strength to forgive and love yourself. :-) To not believe the devils on your shoulders saing “you did wrong, you did wrong, you did wrong.” and simply say, “I made a mistake, I own that. And In the future, I recognize that behavior, it was hurtful to myself, it was hurtful to others… and I will do better next time.”

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